That Kind Of Attention

You just can't buy that kind of attention
And on the way there's bound to be trouble and action
 It all gets kind of tiresome I get revenge when I can
Or I just let it go
You can't get involved with ya public

They'll break ya heart every time
 No matter how much you think they love you
Right now they've got a thing
 For this kid called 'Hero Girl'
 I've got no problem with that
My shrink says the worlds not the way i think it is

But maybe I'm more in sync than I thought
 I needed more so I elbowed my way in side
 " Nice belt capt'n very creative way to keep the gut in check"
 Now I really was distracted

So it's a meeting with producers in the morning
 Two guest spots and a potential spin off series
 It meant an early flight
Then two loud bangs
My eye and my hand
It was Hero Girl's way of saying
 "don't mess with me"
So here I am today
 Infra red goggles and a mechanical hand
And all I really want
Is to just disappear
 Let someone else work it all out
 If I could escape from here but I guess its
Just not that easy
So now you've listened to my story
I've disguised myself as a piece of dust
And what do you feel?
Will you sleep with me
Or at least spend the night?
Talking about philosophical matters

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